Tom Strong

Laforja 61, 4 2, 08021 Barcelona

Tel: (+34) 932 155393          Email:





§          Date of Birth:                 18-Dec-1963           

§          Nationality:                    American  (Spanish Residency:  – X3651502E)

§          Marital Status:              Married                                      

§          Driver´s License:         Yes    

§          Languages:                                  Proficient in Spanish                         




Haverford College, Haverford, PA  USA

Bachelor of Arts, May 1985, in Mathematics with Concentration in Computer Science


Boston University, Boston, MA  USA

Courses in Master’s program in Computer Science,  September 1986 – May 1988






STRONG ABOGADOS, Sevilla and Barcelona, Spain               2003 - present

Co-founder of law firm, in charge of marketing and finance


§          With partner, made the decisions that built a successful business with four employees and gross earnings of 300,000 euros.

§          Developed website as the principal marketing tool for the law firm.



XWARE SYSTEMS, New York, NY   USA                                    1999 – 2003

Computer Programmer


§          Lead programmer on the reporting capabilities for the Ecteon project: software to track complex legal contracts. Software developed in Delphi, with various database implementations.

§          Developed software in various languages for the music industry.



BOSTON TREASURY SYSTEMS, Boston, MA   USA              1998 – 1999

Computer Programmer


§          Developed software in C++ language for the back office of bank treasury systems.



BANCO SANTANDER, Madrid, Spain                                        1994 – 1998

Computer Programmer


§          Implemented Boston Treasury Sytems software in Banco Santander, and extended software in response to in-house requests.



BOSTON TREASURY SYSTEMS, Boston, MA   USA              1990 – 1992

Computer Programmer


§          Developed software in C language for the back office of bank treasury systems.



LUMEN SYSTEMS, Cupertino, CA   USA                                  1988 - 1989

Computer Programmer


§          Developed personal tax software in C language.



JOHN HANCOCK INSURANCE, Boston, MA   USA                1986 - 1988

Computer Programmer

§          Developed and maintained software in COBOL to manage core life insurance policies.